
Emergency Preparedness Links

One thing that I've been up to for the past year or so is emergency preparedness. Some years ago there was a period of a few months where my husband had spotty employment. Having food stored really helped us. And there have been a few power outages and winter storms where having alternate heating and food prep would have been helpful. So, in an effort to be more prepared for emergencies and lean years, I've been working on food storage and other emergency preparedness.
There are tons of great resources on the internet, much better than I could ever write myself. So, I am giving you my list of links. It is in no way comprehensive of all the websites and info out there, but it'll get you started.

http://www.redcross.org – The original experts in preparedness

http://www.providentliving.org – LDS Church’s official preparedness website. Good info for beginners

http://www.ready.gov – FEMA website, lots of good info, including links for kids

http://www.cdc.gov – Center for Disease Control website

http://www.pandemicflu.gov – Gov. site regarding pandemics in your area and what to do

http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/prep_prepare_year.shtml - Prepare in a year program

http://foodstoragemadeeasy.net/babystep-checklists/ - Great site for beginners. Weekly to-do lists.

http://www.survival-spot.com/survival-blog/ - Survival info

http://www.backwoodshome.com/article_index.html#fr – Practical ideas for self-reliant living

http://www.preparedplanet.com/index.html - Self-sufficiency

http://www.theprudenthomemaker.com – The prudent homemaker

http://www.allaboutfoodstorage.com – Simple and healthy food storage ideas

http://www.yourownhomestore.com/ - Self-reliance and food storage

http://www.selfreliantsisters.blogspot.com/ - Emergency preparedness

http://preparedldsfamily.blogspot.com/ - Food storage and preparedness info

http://www.ldspreppers.com/showthread.php/218-Free-Survival-EBooks?s=26956792c7bd0db2c46b5df621764bcf – Free survival E-books

Gardening and homesteading:

http://www.pvcplans.com – Free plans for greenhouses, cold frames…

http://www.backyardgardener.com/etera/index.html - Backyard gardening info source

http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/ndsuag/ – NDSU agriculture website

http://www.pioneerliving.net/ Back to basics online magazine. Homesteading, gardening, etc.

Using your food storage:

http://www.stilltasty.com – Ultimate shelf life guide

http://www.scoutorama.com/recipe - Dutch oven recipes

http://everydayfoodstorage.net/ - Using your food storage

http://www.wheatgrasskits.com/information.htm - Everything you need to learn how to do sprouting

http://www.simplylivingsmart.com/ - Food storage recipes and videos

http://www.pccnaturalmarkets.com/guides/tips_beans.html - Learn to cook with beans

Preserving food:

http://nchfp.uga.edu/ - Home food preservation

http://food.unl.edu/web/preservation/canning - Home food preservation info

http://www.storefood.com/books/ - Books to help you use and store whole grains

http://www.dehydrate2store.com/ - Videos, recipes, how-to dehydrate

http://foodstorageandpreparedness.blogspot.com/2009/06/conversion-chart-for-dry-pack-canning.html - Conversion chart for canning with #10 cans

Storage racks (to buy or build):

http://waterstoragerack.blogspot.com/p/result.html - free water and can rotation rack plans and info

http://www.rnrfoodorganizers.com/rollerunits - Can rotation units (only available in Utah). Has free planning guide

http://www.wikihow.com/Build-a-Rotating-Canned-Food-Shelf - Free plans for can rotating shelf

http://www.mycanrotation.com/shelving.htm - Free can rotating shelf plans

http://www.providentliving.org.nz/can-dispensers/ - 3 different rotating shelf plans for free (bookshelf, box and gravity styles)

http://www.canracks.com – Plans for sale to build your own can rotating rack

Places to shop for food storage or survival items:

http://www.alisonspantry.com – Yummy foods

http://www.glutenfreebcg.com – Gluten-free bulk foods

http://honeyvillegrain.com – Bulk food storage

http://thefoodstorageshopper.net/ - Help with shopping for food storage items

http://www.internet-grocer.net – ‘Best Prices Storable Foods’

http://www.northernoutfitters.com – Winter clothing

http://progressiverx.com/index.html - Created for those who can’t afford the meds they need

http://preparednesspantry.blogspot.com/ - Great blog for Emergency Essentials Company (www.beprepared.com)

http://www.outdoorcooking.com/ - All the equipment and tools for cooking outdoors

http://www.surewatertanks.com – For high capacity water storage

http://www.epcontainers.net/ - Sells water containers of all sorts

http://thermalcooker.wordpress.com/category/thermal-cookers/wonderbox/ - Thermal cooking methods

http://waltonfeed.com/ - Long term food storage and supplies

http://www.bulkfoods.com/default.html - Bulk foods (including chocolate!)

http://www.outfitterwarehouse.com/ - Tents and tent stoves

http://grandmascountry.com/ – Grandma’s Country Foods online store

http://www.basegear.com – Outdoor survival gear

http://www.emergencypacks.com/lighting.htm - Survival kits

http://theepicenter.com/index.html - Emergency prep item out of Eugene, OR

http://www.theexpandedpantry.com/cart/index.php – long term pantry needs

http://www.thereadystore.com – Food storage and emergency supplies; weekly newsletter

http://www.americanfamilysafety.com - Safety kits

http://www.disasterstuff.com – Online disaster supplies

http://www.smartfoodservice.com – Cash and carry local store for bulk buying

http://www.survivalgearfirst.com – Survival gear and supplies

http://www.life-assist.com – Medical/first aid supplies

http://www.1stopfoodstorage.com – Delicious food storage packages

http://www.pleasanthillgrain.com – Grain mills, water purification, etc.

http://www.yourfoodstorage.com – Freeze-dried, dehydrated foods

http://www.shelfreliance.com – Shelves that rotate your cans, and ‘Thrive’ freeze-dried foods

http://www.survival-center.com – Survival kits for the beginner

http://www.storablefoods.com – Convenient, easy-to-prepare food storage items